We are a consultancy firm that will help you to manage social issues.

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From the inside out, from outside to the root

We work at cross-points where the Basque language and social innovation converge. We are a cooperative.

Emun aukeratu genuen bere baloreengatik, gertutasunarengatik eta enpresa mundua ezagutzen dutelako.

Xabier Sagarna ArrizabalagaMondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa

Poliki-poliki euskara gurekin erlazionatzea lortzen ari gara eta balio handia du horrek Realean.

Alfredo CastresanaReal Sociedad de Futbol, S.A.D.
Engendering STEM jardunaldiakMiguel Altuna Lanbide Heziketa
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71 innovation projects completed

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A team of 90 people

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216 clients

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2019: we have prevented the emission of 2.56 tons of CO2 by implementing new environmental measures


eta bidelagunak


[Mapa]Martin Ugalde Kultur Parkea
Gudarien etorbidea, 8.
20.140 Andoain
Tel.: 943 300 978emun@emun.eus


[Mapa]Gipuzkoako etorbidea 36, behea
31013 Berriozar
Tel.: 948 803 643Tel.: 943 793 426emun@emun.eus


[Mapa]Euskararen Etxea
Agoitz plaza 1
48015 Bilbo (Bizkaia)
Tel.: 943 711 847Tel.: 943 793 426emun@emun.eus